The new combination of folding machines for the patented RTA-Outserts, Z-Cards, roadmaps, etc.. Folding unit 1 with 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24 folding pockets, T-station with 2 or 4 pockets and parallel knifesystem. (only for RTA-Outserts)
Outserts secured with one or more non-permanent glue dots can be excellent processed on high-capacity packaging lines. Such package inserts can be directly glued on the bottle or can of pills and do nor need generally without any folded housing box – this box can be saved up.
By means of one HMI-touch control you can adjust the whole MV-processingline with the folding knives, presses and vertical stacker. It controls the production flow like speed, side lay, counter and passage control.
Available as single-, double-, or triple knife system. Special pressing after every knife folding mechanism.